Thursday, June 1, 2017

Why Build Robots?


Why go to all the trouble and expense to build a physical robot?  Can't we just run out software on a desktop PC and feed it a diet of images and text that comes from convenient on-line databases?   Why a robot?  Because a robot can't "cheat" it has to deal with the real world an use whatever data it finds without prior editing and cleaning.

Don't get me wrong, I do most of my development on a desktop using either Linux or Mac OS.  But then I do most of my hardware building using "one by" pine lumber, solderless breadboards and many flying Dupont leads.   I see desktop devilment is "breadboarding" where poutiest and develop new ideas before exposing them to more realistic environments.

But also, it's fun to build things that move especially things that move and interact with the environment.  It is humbling to as the environment will always present conditions you never envisioned.    Simulated environment by definition only contain that what the simulation designer was able to think of.

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